Container Gardening? Ask Questions!

Container Gardening can be so much more than just putting pretty flowers in a container.

Using the same design aspect that you would use with in-ground landscaping, you can create vistas for your enjoyment while you are outside. With the placement of pots in the right place you can create framing for visual blockage of unwanted views, traffic pattern and flow, accent existing landscaping, and add interest to patio furniture arrangements.


Be sure to take into consideration the style of the area that you’re going to be placing these pots in. Is the color of the container going to be crucial? Will it be something to give it a little extra punch to the design area? You need to determine if you looking for containers that are highly decorative or more standard such as Clay.

Container gardening doesn’t stop with just placing your pots in the right location. Once you place the container it’s crucial that you pick the correct plants to go in them. The most important factor to take into consideration when choosing your plants is the environment they are going to be planted in. Is it windy location? Does it receive full sun or partial sun? Are the plans going to be planted in an area that will be hard to maintain? If so you might want to use more durable plants.


Another thing to consider the fact that you might have animals or children. This would mean you would want to watch for poisonous plants or thorny plants. .

The plant materials that you use will play the biggest part of your container design. Add in the use of herbs and flowers for a please accent or even to repel unwanted past such as mosquitoes The third thing that you would want to take into consideration is your decorating style. Are you a traditional stylist or a little bit more bohemian? What is the overall effect that you’re going for? Are you trying to be conservative and a little bit old-fashioned, or are you trying for tropical effect with palms and exotic flowers?


It is important that you should have a good understanding to the answers of all these questions before you even set foot into the nursery looking for plants. If you’re lost asked for help and if you don’t feel you’re getting the right help from the people in the store that you’re at, ask for professional to come out to your site and work up a plan that will best meet your needs. You have to live with the results of what you plant and you want to be happy. So be sure to ask lots of questions and be willing to make changes if your ideas and plans don’t mix together.

But regardless if you are designing your own container gardens, or getting the help from a professional gardener, the most important thing to remember is…

Enjoy your planting experience!

A Northern Spring VS A Southern Spring

I was listening to the news last night and I came to the realization that spring in the south is quite different from spring in the north. Up north early spring can be anything from flooding in early and late snowfalls to crocuses peaking through. When I lived in upstate New York, spring was always my favorite season. Spring seemed to start with the celebration of Easter, with the daffodils blooming, the hyacinths scenting the air. New live is everywhere, from the robins in their nest, to the bunnies coming out of their lairs.

But last night on the news I heard signs of spring in a different manner, the signs of spring in the Deep South. The first thing that we had heard was at the riptides were extremely bad because of the changing directions of the winds changing from winter to spring. This might be bad for the swimmers, but the surfers sure love it.

The next thing we found out about was the man-of-war are all on the beach and their purple-blue but bodies can sting and so do those long tendrils. With care, you can still enjoy a day at the beach, but plan on staying out of the ocean.

Next, we are reminded about that the sharks are migrating; this is definitely a spring time item. Huge shivers (groups) of them can be found offshore. All within swimming and snorkeling distance of the fun loving tourist down for spring break.

sharks shiver

And finally we heard news that with the weather starting to warm up that the alligators are getting frisky. This means the alligators are getting warmed up starting to move around and getting rid ready for meeting season. Kayaks and fisherman need to take care on our river-ways.


Yes, spring in the south sounds a bit more dangerous than spring in the North! Daffodils and tulips up north verses down here we’re talking sharks and alligators.
I guess I’m a southern girl at heart and I’ll take my sharks and alligators and man-of-war over cold flooding waters and the possibility of a late snowfall. But I will admit I miss the glorious color and scents of the spring.
